Behead Ed Art!

My name is Edi :]

I'm an artist from New York and I am a Junior at the School of Visual Arts BFA Comics program!

I like all kinds of weird stuff! Horror is one of my big passions, but also metal and digital hardcore music. I just like to jam and thrash! Although I've stopped going into pits so much. My body might be deteriorating just a little...

I still try to have fun nonetheless! School burnout does make constant content production difficult, I must admit. The dopamine defecit is real...But I'm currently workshopping a comic idea about biomechanical cowboys in space with (maybe) lite magic so that's something!It's called Blackheart >:)

Regardless, I'm glad I do what I do and I would like to do it more! I'm hoping that making this site helps me do that!

-Social Media-

I regret to say I'm not on social media a lot -rots your brain etc etc- but I do have an Instagram where I post ocassionally and where I can be reached right here!

It's tamaNOTchi! Click to feed!